Hi, I am open to new collaboration opportunities. Know about me & my work here and reach me via mail or below socials.




Senior Software Engineer - I

Jul 2023 - Present

  • Orchestrated the restructuring of API responses in collaboration with clients and the backend team, concurrently managing the smooth migration of the codebase.

Software Engineer - III

Jul 2022 - Present

  • Led multiple project modules with a team of six developers, ensuring seamless delivery from design to launch while closely collaborating with clients and tech leads.

  • Maintained code quality through thorough reviews and implemented advanced E2E tests using Cypress and Percy.

  • Achieved substantial project improvements, including dynamic component loading, a 26% reduction in bundle size, and boosted Lighthouse and SEO scores.

Software Engineer - I

Jul 2021 - Present

  • Created cross-platform UI components for web and mobile with multi-theme support.

  • Stepped into a leadership role during the tech lead's absence, successfully managing the team and project.

  • Improved component performance to enhance app functionality and achieved rapid career advancement from SE-I to SE-III within a year, reflecting exceptional performance and expertise.